Any time is the right time to attend the Miscarriage, Infant Death, and Stillbirth (MIS) Support group.

Monthly support via online, interactive meetings

Since COVID, we've continued our mission of offering information, support, and comfort in an online format. The meeting link will only be provided after registration, which means you'll need to register each month to continue attending. This helps keep attendance private and secure.

Sign up to attend

Worried about technology or unfamiliar with online meetings? Don't worry--when you sign up, we'll walk you through what you need to know; and we encourage logging in a few minutes early so that we can help you work out any kinks. The software is free.

About MIS Share

MIS Share (Miscarriage, Infant loss, and Stillbirth) is a parent-led support network founded in 1981 to offer information, support, and comfort to grieving parents who have experienced the death of their baby during pregnancy, or after birth.

We have a monthly support-group that offers a compassionate, comforting, and safe environment in which parents are free to share thoughts, feelings, and experiences with other parents who truly understand. From this mutual experience, at times, lifelong friendships are formed.

Any time is the right time to contact MIS—whether you just experienced a loss last week, 20 years ago, or are a loved one supporting a parent struggling with their loss.

emailEmail us

October is Perinatal Loss Month

Most of our area hospitals sponsor perinatal memorial services which are open to anyone. As hospitals notify us of their memorial service events, we will add them to our calendar. MedStar Washington is holding theirs on Oct 6th. View the calendar for details including parking or whether you need to RSVP (some are assigning times).


Join the Wave of Light Oct 15th @7pm

This is an opportunity to join with bereaved parents, families, and friends to commemorate all babies who sadly died too soon. ... To join the global 'Wave of Light', simply light a candle at 7pm local time on 15 October and leave it burning for at least one hour.

Yes, 10% to 20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage.

Some of our own MIS parents participated in a local CBS story aired on wUSA9, with Laura Geller:

Watch it here

Was something mentioned or shared during the last meeting?

Sometimes we discuss articles, events, or other resources. Here's where to find links to those items:

Meeting Mentions

Support links

Help for parents that have had a loss
Help for Friends and family members
Events calendar
Flyers for Hospitals or Doctors
Donate to help our support network
Support for Parents during a subsequent pregnancy after loss